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uint2hex(num:uint) — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynColor
Converts an unsigned integer into an hexidecmal string.
uneq(a:any, b:any, strict:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Tests to see if two objects are not equal.
upperCamelToTitle(value:String) — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynString
Converts an upper camel case string to a string in title case.
upperCaseFirst(value:String) — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynString
Upper cases the first letter in the string.
url — Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.helpers.DataCall
The URL that is being called by the DataCall object.
url — Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.vos.DataCallVO
The URL that is being called.
url(base:Boolean, protocol:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynBrowser
Returns the JavaScript window.location.href.
url(value:String, ssl:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Performs basic checks to determine if a string is a valid HTTP or HTTPS URL.
URL_CAN_HAVE_1_QUESTION_MARK — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Code for a URL having more than one question mark.
URL_INVALID_CHARS — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Code for a URL having invalid characters.
URL_INVALID_DOMAIN_NAME — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Code for an invalid domain name.
URL_INVALID_PROTOCOL — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Code for a URL being an invalid protocol.
URL_LENGTH_INVALID — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Code for a URL being an invalid length.
urlSecure(value:String) — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Performs basic checks to determine if a string is a valid HTTPS URL.
userAgent() — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynBrowser
Gets navigator.userAgent from JavaScript.
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