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data — Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.helpers.DataCallEvent
The data from the server as a value object.
data — Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.vos.DataCallVO
The data object to be sent to the server as either GET or POST.
DataCall — class, package com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.helpers
The DataCall is a helper class for CynModel to retrieve data from external sources.
DataCall(handle:Object, url:String, method:String, data:Object, contentType:String, headers:Array) — Constructor, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.helpers.DataCall
Creates a new DataCall object.
DataCallEvent — class, package com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.helpers
The DataCallEvent class dispatches DataCallEvent objects when a DataCall object retrieves information from a server.
DataCallEvent(type:String, handle:Object, data:com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.vos:DataCallVO, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.helpers.DataCallEvent
Creates an DataCallEvent object.
DataCallVO — class, package com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.vos
The DataCallVO class is a value object used to contain information about a DataCall.
DataCallVO(url:String, method:String, data:Object, contentType:String, httpStatus:int) — Constructor, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.vos.DataCallVO
Creates a new DataCallVO object.
date(value:String, dayFirst:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Determines if the string contains a valid date.
DATE_CANT_CONVERT_TO_DATE — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Code for an error in conversion to date.
DATE_DAY_OUT_OF_RANGE — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Code for the day being out of range.
DATE_INCORRECT_FORMAT — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Code for date being in incorrect format.
DATE_INCORRECT_YEAR — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Code for an incorrect year.
DATE_MONTH_OUT_OF_RANGE — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Code for date of the month being out of range.
DATE_TOO_MANY_SEPARATORS — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Code for too many separators in a date.
debug — Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.Cyntaxic
Sets whether or not debugging is enabled.
debug(message:Object) — method, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.controller.CynController
Traces out a debugging message.
debug(message:Object) — method, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view.CynView
Traces out a debugging message.
DEBUGGER — Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.Cyntaxic
Returns the debugger instance.
decimalPlaces(number:Number, precision:int) — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynNumber
Trims a floating point number to specified number of places.
describe(compact:Boolean) — method, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.CyntaxicVO
Returns a valid JSON string describing the object.
describe(compact:Boolean) — method, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.CynModel
Returns a valid JSON string describing the object.
describe(compact:Boolean) — method, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view.CynView
Returns a valid JSON string describing some commonly used display properties.
describeListeners(compact:Boolean) — method, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view.CynView
Returns a valid JSON string describing the listeners.
describeProperties — Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view.CynView
List of properties to describe on the view when using describe.
description — Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.vos.VersionVO
The description of the release.
destroy(view:com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view:CynView) — method, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view.CynComposite
Destroys a child of the CynView from the display list.
destroy(view:com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view:CynView) — method, interface com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view.interfaces.ICynComposite
Destroys a CynView from the display list.
destroyAt(index:int) — method, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view.CynComposite
Destroys a child of the CynView from the display list at the specified index.
destroyAt(index:int) — method, interface com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view.interfaces.ICynComposite
Destroys a CynView from the display list at the specified index.
destroySelf(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view.CynComposite
Destroys itself using the destroy method.
digit(value:String) — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate
Casts a string as a number.
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