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SAFARI — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynBrowser |
Defines the value of the navigator.userAgent
string for the Apple Safari Browser. |
scope — Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.vos.ScopeVO |
The object that is being called on. |
ScopeVO — class, package com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.vos |
The ScopeVO class is a value object used to scope a model callback. |
ScopeVO(scope:Object, handle:String) — Constructor, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.vos.ScopeVO |
Creates a new scoped value object. |
SEAMONKEY — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynBrowser |
Defines the value of the navigator.userAgent
string for the SeaMonkey Browser. |
SECURITY_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.helpers.DataCall |
Used to specify a DataCall security error. |
SECURITY_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.helpers.DataCallEvent |
Used to specify a DataCall security error. |
shuffle(array:Array) — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynArray |
Shuffles the items of the given array. |
socialSecurity(value:String) — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate |
Checks to see if the string is a valid Social Security Number. |
SSN_INVALID_CHARS — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate |
Code for a social security number with invalid characters. |
SSN_INVALID_FORMAT — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate |
Code for a social security number with an invalid format. |
SSN_TOO_MANY_DASHES — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate |
Code for a social security number with too many dashes. |
SSN_WRONG_LENGTH — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynValidate |
Code for a social security number that is too long. |
STAGE — Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.Cyntaxic |
Returns the stage instance of the application. |
stageHeight — Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.controller.vos.ResizeVO |
The height of the stage. |
stageWidth — Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.controller.vos.ResizeVO |
The width of the stage. |
suppressDebug — Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view.CynView |
Flag to set whether debugging is suppressed for this CynView. |
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