Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript. The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

com.cyntaxic.cyntils The CynArray class contains static functions for manipulating arrays.
com.cyntaxic.cyntils The CynBrowser class contains static functions for get information about the SWFs containing HTML page including browser detection and URL manipulation.
com.cyntaxic.cyntils The CynColor class contains static functions for manipulation of colors.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view CynComponent is a CynView that has no CynView children.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view CynComposite is used for views that have other views inside of it.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.controller CynController is an abstract class to be extended by the application being created with the Cyntaxic framework.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.controller.errors The CynError class contains information about an error that occurred when using the Cyntaxic framework.
com.cyntaxic.cyntils The CynFormat class contains static functions for formatting.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model CynModel is an abstract class to be extended by the application being created with the Cyntaxic framework.
com.cyntaxic.cyntils The CynNumber class contains static functions for manipulation of numbers.
com.cyntaxic.cyntils The CynObject class contains static functions for getting information on objects.
com.cyntaxic.cyntils The CynRandom class contains static functions for randomization.
com.cyntaxic.cyntils The CynString class contains static functions for manipulation of strings.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc The Cyntaxic framework is a MVC based design pattern created to address everyday coding, while keeping it simple.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc CyntaxicVO is the base class for all value objects.
com.cyntaxic.cyntils The CynValidate class contains static functions for validation.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view CynView is the abstract base class for CynComposite and CynComponent.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view CynViewProxy is a decorator for setting up views that cannot directly extend CynComponent or the CynComposite classes.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.helpers The DataCall is a helper class for CynModel to retrieve data from external sources.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.helpers The DataCallEvent class dispatches DataCallEvent objects when a DataCall object retrieves information from a server.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.vos The DataCallVO class is a value object used to contain information about a DataCall.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.controller.enums The ErrorCodes class is an enumeration of constant values used for errors thrown by the CynError class.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.controller.vos The ErrorCodeVO class is a value object used to contain information about a CynError.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view.interfaces This interface is used to define a CynView object that has no children that are views.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view.interfaces This interface is used to define a CynView object that has children that are views.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.view.interfaces This interface is used to define a CynView object.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.controller.vos The ResizeVO class is a value object used to contain information about the stage dimensions.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.vos The ScopeVO class is a value object used to scope a model callback.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.enums The Versions class is an enumeration of framework releases.
com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.vos The VersionVO class is a value object used to contain information framework versions.