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time(seconds:Number) — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynFormat |
Converts seconds into formatted hours, minutes and seconds. |
timeout — Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.helpers.DataCall |
The duration of time for the timeout to occur. |
TIMEOUT — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.helpers.DataCall |
Used to specify a DataCall timeout. |
TIMEOUT — Constant Static Property, class com.cyntaxic.cynmvc.model.helpers.DataCallEvent |
Used to specify a DataCallEvent timeout. |
toString(array:Array, separator:String) — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynArray |
Returns a string from the given array, using the specified separator. |
trim(input:String) — Static Method , class com.cyntaxic.cyntils.CynString |
Removes whitespace from the front and the end of the specified string. |
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